Hidden in Plain Sight


Scenes like this are around us every day in color, none the less, but our busy lives keep our attention split into what seems like a thousand different tasks. It is difficult to appreciate simple beauty since many times we prefer to willingly escape into that happy place in our minds where everything goes our way.  Today, take a moment to find an everyday object or scene you frequently pass by without a second look. Carry its beauty with you, a reminder that reality can be comforting in its simplicity.



little flowers putple 2048by300


5 thoughts on “Hidden in Plain Sight

  1. Dear TyroCharm,
    I just nominated you for Blogger Recognition Award. Do check out this particular post.
    You have been quite important for me in my little journey of blogging. Just a little token of appreciation. Know that your writing has so often influenced and fuelled my creativity. Every single one of the blogger I’ve nominated has been so supportive.

    Liked by 1 person

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