The Door Next Door


With so many beautiful pictures of unusual doors in this photo challenge, I felt the urge to bring in a little bit of home. There is nothing fancy here, just a simple door that overlooks a homely porch with a small batch of flowers adorning the surrounding area. If pictures could talk, this one would invite you to sit down on the swing and relax, It would keep you pleasant company while the two of you got to browse through the other door pictures from the challenge.



image If you ever come across this movie, say at 1:00am, I highly recommend you watch it.  It’s a Korean Dramedy with lots of gore and violence and one great fighting scene.  The story is compelling,  the acting is superb, if you don’t count a few silly scenes.  It starts out lame,  I almost turned it off, but the quality escalates and doesn’t disappoint. Two girls, a young woman and a10 year old,  set out to avenge the death of their respective sisters at the hands of a handsome psychopath who has family issues. The young woman has the mentality of a10 year old, so you can imagine the kind of team they make. The psychopath in turn, is looking for the girls to finish the job he started. There is a lot of suspense,  and surprising twists, but some of the best scenes relay on the actors who play their part amazingly well. I won’t spoil the ending, but let me just say that it is rewarding.  You’ll have to watch and find out for yourself how that is. =)

Real Walk Down Memory Lane


Recent and vivid memories contain an element of emotion that is lost on those that time has covered in a sweet haze. Which of these memories is better simply depends on whether you want to relive a surge of pleasant feelings, or a mixture of elation along with a twinge of nostalgia. Recent memories evoke not just excitement, but also minor emotional disturbances that could probably disappear when the power of sugarcoating is well applied.

Personally, I prefer to relive memories on my own terms, where nostalgia has replaced minor heartaches with a fictional sense perfect bliss. I like to go through a walk down memory lane well armored. I carry a good measure of humor, a sizable amount of factual experiences and of course, a never ending supply of imagination. A couple of decades living downtown Los Angeles taught me that when you walk anywhere, you must be prepared for anything. Humor can significantly decrease the impact pesky, little imperfections of undesirable emotions spoil a cherished event. So, when looking back on those anomalies, I try to find a funny detail, sometimes real, sometimes . . .not, that would better accommodate the overall mood of a perfect memory stroll.

Making minor alterations to our memories is a natural process, I think, that allows us to relive only the good parts of or experiences. Even when the recollection of unpleasant events sneaks up on our memory path, they tent to under represent the true antagonistic measure of their original pain.

Recent memories help experience emotions with intensity and, in my opinion the weight of emotions we experience is like the canvas on a painting. The events that transpired are like the strokes of paint that creates the picture. Overtime, this painting is adorned by a frame. Finally, it is displayed either in a dominant place to be seen constantly, or is taken to a private room full of personal treasures. The canvas itself is completely overlooked by the original painting, the frame and its location.

When you go walk down memory lane, don’t just dive in and try to recollect the details of your favorite events. Be selective and resurrect those cherished moments that you can dissect at your leisure. Those memories that unhindered by recent emotions are already a priced painting in your collection.


The Daily Prompt compelled me to share this thought.

Is there a memory you have that has been so sugar coated it doesn’t resemble the original?


My Two Muses


Photo Challenge

What subject keeps you coming back? This week, show us your muse.

I just picked up photography about a year ago as a hobby. I’ve been taking pictures of my daughter since she was born, but it wasn’t until then that I thought of being creative with the way I portray her. Also, Flowers were the only other thing That kept calling me back to take pictures. I had a little flower bed back then and most of my flower pictures, featured in my Flickr account, are from there.

For this photo challenge, I wanted to show you my two Muses. Although I have recently started to photograph scenery, people, objects and animals, both, my Daughter and flowers remain my best source of inspiration.

